Once again we held our very successful Breakfast with Santa in December at The Almonry Restaurant in Ely.
Our thanks go to all who came along over the three days and our special thanks to the managers of The Almonry, Michael and Lesley Blakey, without whose help and expertise this event would not happen.
We catered for over 210 happy breakfasters, and Santa come along and gave all the children a present. It was a sell out success, so if you missed it book early next year, bookings start to be taken in September 2018.
We had a very busy time in the run up to Christmas and amongst other events we did our annual visits to Lily House and Vera James House, both residential elderly homes in Ely, to take some seasonal cheer (wine and beer) and sing carols to the residents and then our Lion made an appearance and gave all of the residents a Christmas present.
Now we look forward to the New Year and our Easter Event in The Almonry gardens. It will take place on Saturday 24th March 10.30am – 2.30pm
There will be an Easter egg hunt, crafts, Tombola and lots of things for a family day out. Put it in your diary now.
We need some new members to help run events so if you enjoy making a difference then the contact details are below.
We are a family orientated club and you would be made very welcome. You can put into Lions as much or as little as you want and you will be joining an worldwide organisation with over 1.6 million members and a presence in well over 200 countries.
We meet, usually, on the first Sunday of each month at Adams Heritage Centre Main Street Littleport at 2pm.
For more details of Littleport Lions club and events contact;
David & Jenny Ellis 01353 664318 / 07817 592438
Facebook: Littleport Lions Club
Twitter: @LittleportLions