Littleport’s Amazing Support Network

As soon as the government announced the terrible news of the pandemic reaching the UK, and the measures to try and contain the spread of the virulent C19 and alleviate the projected burden of treating those infected from all those working for the NHS, and isolation for the elderly and otherwise vulnerable, Littleport’s extremely community minded residents swung into action!

Back in March one Littleport resident Carol Hockey aired her concerns about how help could be given to vulnerable people living in Littleport on Facebook which prompted Group Scout Leader Julie Anne Double to set up the local COVID-19 help and support group (Littleport) page on Facebook to coincide with their WhatsApp group.

“A friend of mine had originally set up the Cambridgeshire COVID-19 help group which I did join, but I asked her if we could set up our own Littleport group which she thought what an excellent idea so that’s how it happened really,” Julie told Littleport Life Magazine.

“The Littleport COVID-19 group firstly consisted of myself and 2 other administrators before 2 more people were added.

“Our first job was to put a call out for volunteers to distribute 3,000 leaflets which were printed by Debra Jordan’s Copier Warehouse for free to every household who needed help. The feedback was amazing, and we soon had over 100 residents who we assisted either regularly or on a one-off basis getting either shopping and/or their medical prescriptions for them.

“Any requests that the Parish Council or East Cambs received were then sent on to me to sort out and respond to, and I know that the administrators of the Parish Council and other key professionals met once a week dealing with any problems or issues that occurred.”

Julie Anne, who is training to be an early years teacher for those who have special educational needs, was pleased that her children Jorja, Denny and Zak helped out when they could. Julie Anne said she wanted to make sure that all her children including India were aware of what was going on and considers it was very important that they got involved and that it was adding to their life skills.

And Lyn and Cathy who were having to live in isolation from the start of the pandemic in the UK were so pleased whenever they saw Julie, Jorja, Denny or Zak coming up their garden path to deposit bags of shopping on their doorstep with a friendly smile and a wave through the window!

Julie Anne wanted to give praise to all the hardworking staff members serving in all the many local shops and especially to the Tesco supermarket in Ely.

“They have been so supportive and helpful in what we were doing so I can’t thank them enough.

I also have to say a massive thank you to all those who helped to deliver the leaflets, did the prescription runs, or became a listening ear for someone to talk to over the phone, as well as those who helped to do something for someone whether they be a neighbour, a friend or stranger including our local Parish Council who have all been fantastic,” concluded Julie Anne Double who has already been nominated for this year’s Ely Community Hero Award.

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