The Royal British Legion

After this time of unprecedented crisis it is still difficult to find something to write about other than the virus. The Royal British Legion has had to take note of the close down and self-isolation rules as has everybody else. We have not been able to hold committee meetings in Littleport but will notify members of our next meeting as soon as possible. The Pop In service in the Barn has also had to have been put on hold. The dedication services for the Charles Pettit headstone, and the opening of the new Remembrance Garden have been postponed. This is hard to take but they are the right decisions. We’ve also cancelled a coach trip to the National Memorial Arboretum that we had planned. The postponement was made easy by the closure of the NMA.

And to top it all the National Conference has had to go the way of everything else. These are also incredibly hard times for all charities, and many struggled to continue to function without Government support which is ironic because charities exist to fill in the many gaps that are missed by Government welfare schemes.

The RBL is large enough to have survived this period of turmoil but we lost a lot of our income. Here in Littleport we had three fund raising events arranged, and these, including an Armed Forces Day bucket collection have been cancelled.

We have been doing and will still do all we can to make sure that welfare cases are handled to the best of our ability. If anyone who is entitled to RBL support has real needs please contact The RBL on: 08088028080 our main helpline.

Meanwhile take care and continue to keep safe.

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