when I wrote my last contribution to the Littleport Life, we were in a national lockdown and I was hopeful that schools would re-open just before Easter. As I write this at the end of April, schools did indeed fully re-open to all children on March 8th, the national vaccination programme is proving to be something that as a nation we can be proud of, milestones on the Prime Minister’s road map seem to be met to date and things are indeed looking hopeful!
Millfield continues to be organised in bubbles and I don’t see this changing this academic year; whilst it’s not something we would want permanently, I know we have all made the best of it. We have tried very hard for teaching and learning to be as the children would expect; when things in children’s own lives change it’s critical for them that school remains predictable and provides them with an element of certainty.
I’m pleased to say that this term things are really beginning to ‘open up’. We have always had a strong relationship with the Witchford Schools Partnership (for PE and sport) and this term staff from that organisation came in and led workshops on funky cones. We are also engaging with the Daily Mile. The sports coaches have started coming in again on a weekly basis. Sports Day will be different this year and as I write this, details have yet to be confirmed. What I can say with certainty is that all our children will engage in a sports day- it may look different from previous years as the children will have to take part in class bubbles rather than in year groups and sadly we won’t be able to invite parents. However it will still be a great day
.Our Year 5 and 6 children are taking part in a really exciting design and technology project with the Royal Opera House designing a stage set for Alice in Wonderland. I will be able to put more detail in my next contribution. It is our plan to have a Year 6 Leavers Assembly where parents can attend and this will be great for our year 6 children- sadly, this is something the children last year had to miss out on. The residential visit to PGL is all planned to take place after numerous changes of date! Fingers crossed it goes ahead for our Year 6 children as it is a wonderful opportunity to take part in outdoor and adventurous activities.
We will be meeting with the Family Learning Organisation this term to plan courses for parents in the autumn term. Family Learning is something I’ve been so proud of here at Millfield. Many parents have engaged in courses linked, for example, to helping their child with maths homework, managing children at home when they test the boundaries and even supporting parents to gain their English and Maths qualifications equivalent to GCSE.
Things are indeed looking up!
Deborah Hannaford