Littleport Community Primary School

Back in July the Sports Day KS2 was a real success reports Headteacher Mr Cattermole. He said, ”Children competed in a range of athletics and sports activities, and it was wonderful to see so many of you here. We were really impressed by the team work and great sporting attitude of the children, as well as a great deal of talent. Thank you so much to the PTFA for organising refreshments”. He also thanked Ms Crack “for organising a competitive and inclusive sports day that everyone could take part in and enjoy.”
Photos and videos are posted on Facebook. Mr Cattermole reminds everyone that photos/films taken of children at events such as Sports Day, Assemblies and performances are only permitted for personal use. If they are published on Social Media such as Facebook then they may need to be reviewed before allowing them to be taken in school and thanks you for your cooperation.

Grand Opening for Nature Area!

Also in July Mr Cattermole said “a huge ‘thanks’ to everyone who has been involved in creating our new Nature Area, in particular the PTFA and Mr Winters. We also welcomed back Mrs Plant and Mrs Thompson, who had so generously given the school bird feeders, boxes and bug hotels, which now stand proudly in there. The local press came along too.

Class Prizes for Excellent Attendance!

The winning classes and prizes for the Summer term were:
1st Kingfishers and Swifts Non-uniform day all day on Tuesday!
2nd Falcons Games afternoon – children allowed to bring all kinds of games!
3rd Woodpeckers Extra Golden Time one afternoon!

Well done to the winners and thanks to everyone for their support on attendance this year.

Attendance update for next term

Mr Cattermole states, “attendance is extremely important to our school, and we need to inform you that from September, following recommendations from our Education Welfare Officer we will be monitoring all children whose attendance falls below 90% and will be sending letters to parents whose children are not achieving this expected minimum. Regular unauthorised absence or a block of unauthorised absence may result in a Penalty Notice of £60 per parent, per child, being issued by the Local Authority. If you have any concerns regarding attendance or require support please contact Mrs Fox.
Lunch money reminder – From 1st September 2014 the price of a school lunch will increase to £2.15 per day or £10.75 per week. Please ensure that any school meals are paid for before the meal is taken as your child may not be given a meal without prior payment. Thank you for your cooperation.”
Moving Up Day…

Children met their new class teachers at the end of last term, and got to know them and other adults in their new year group. Mr Cattermole gave “a special mention for our Year 6 pupils who will be moving on to new experiences this autumn and all of our best wishes to you for the future.
See you in September – school opens again on Thursday 4th September. Term dates are on our website.”

Mr Cattermole
Parsons Lane, Littleport, Cambridgeshire, CB6 1JT

Tel: – (01353) 860235
Fax: – (01353) 863781

Littleport Community Primary School Website

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