Littleport Community Primary School

Our aim is to provide an excellent education for all of our children, helping them develop the confidence, skills, curiosity and understanding to grow and progress academically, socially and emotionally. Learning opportunities are created in class, in our wonderful school grounds, around the school, on visits and by guests who come in to work with the children.

We pride ourselves in developing the ‘whole child’, and our personalised approach to learning means that children are supported, challenged, stretched and inspired in a wide range of exciting learning opportunities through our broad and balanced curriculum.

As you’d imagine, academic progress, learning and excellence are key for everyone, and so is the chance to shine in sport, music, the arts and all other areas of learning. We want all of our children not just to reach their potential but to exceed our expectations, be the best and ‘spread their wings and fly’.

Our success is based on our passion for teaching and learning. Our professional and supportive staff work closely with patents, families, governors volunteers, outside agencies and the wider local community to bring about the best possible provision for our pupils. Learning and enjoyment happen throughout the day; we offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs in sport, the arts, music, dance, gardening, ICT and Math – all provided free of charge to all ages. Littleport Community Primary School is committed to safegarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, parents and volunteers to actively share this commitment. Our Designated Persons for Child Protection are the Headteacher and Mr Newton, the Inclusion Co-ordinator, and Mrs Fox, the Children’s Support Worker.

Our school is a special place with modern learning facilities, in a modern building which we share with Littleport Community Pre-School and the Children’s Centre.

We were happy to welcome back everyone in January to start the new year. We also welcomed Mrs Warman, our new Office Manager. She is enjoying being here with us and meeting parents and welcoming visitors to our school office. Curriculum Newsletters Children are regularly given newsletters containing information about the curriculum and in these they will be told about what they will be learning, events, reminders and so forth – there’s plenty to look forward to! Do please look at these letters with your child and talk through it with them. Home Learning information will be sent home. Our school website also has more information about learning, wider school life, letters and key dates for you.

Things to come.

Forest Schools Lessons

Children in Foundation and Year 4 will be exploring the outdoors, learning about nature and took part in a range of practical activities each week of the spring term, with Mrs Hutchison, our visiting Forest Schools teacher. This is a very exciting initiative, which happens whatever the weather! All children will need warm clothes, wellies/outdoor shoes and waterproofs.

School Clubs There’s plenty on offer!

‘British Values’ – what do you think?

As part of a broad and balanced curriculum, schools are being encouraged to think about ‘embedding British Values’. We are looking at our approach to this. We wanted any thoughts or ideas on this subject for school – so we asked you to send us on a slip we sent out to you single words, phrases, sentences – anything at all linked to life in the UK in 2015. Thank you for your response.

Littleport Community Primary School
Parsons Lane Littleport Cambridgeshire
Tel: – (01353) 860235 Fax: – (01353)

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