The new Littleport campus has made excellent progress in recent months this was evident as seen on a recent site visit by the schools’ management team. It has really gained momentum and functional spaces are now being developed with electrics being fitted into rooms, windows fitted, and paint even going on to walls in some areas. The final decoration finishes have been completed, and there is definitely a light and airy feel making the most of the natural light available. Morgan Sindall informs us the project is on track for completion on time.
Yvonne Skillern (Head of School for Highfield Littleport Academy – the SEN School) has been busy liaising with Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists to outline requirements for the specialist rooms. Comprehensive plans have been submitted for multisensory rooms in order to ensure the most appropriate equipment is installed to meet each individual’s need. Both Yvonne and myself have also been heavily involved in specifying the ICT requirements for the campus. We met with prospective ICT suppliers and outlined our requirements to them in order to get the very best technological solution for our pupils.
All parties are also working hard behind the scenes to develop a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum. We will be maximizing the opportunities of the shared campus, with coordinated provision, making use of all staff expertise within both the secondary school and SEN school.
Feedback from the site open day was overwhelmingly positive and all the tours were full from 10am until 1pm. Prospective students and their parents were also able to talk to industry experts about the design and build, and future careers in construction. Training providers were also on hand to discuss courses with students. Thank you to Morgan Sindall for all their help and professionalism that made the day so successful.