Littleport Community Primary School News

LCPS Mission Statement

Our commitment is to be an outstanding school for all, where children love to be; gain a lifelong thirst for knowledge; are continually challenged; grow as individuals; empathise fully with others; play a productive role in the local and global community; achieve their full potential and gain the vital skills and confidence to ‘spread their wings and fly’.

LCPS Vision

Our vision for the school is that we will

  • constantly continue to improve and be judged as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted, children, parents/carers, staff and our community
  • expand the provision we provide for the children in our community
  • ensure that we have good succession planning for our excellent leadership of the school
  • continue to develop strong and effective links with other schools, reviewing all options available to us.
  • build on our Research School status to ensure we are aware of local and national evidence for school improvement, learn from initiatives and experiences and share this knowledge across the school network
  • encourage children to respect themselves and others, take care of the environment and make healthy choices
  • create a safe, vibrant, well maintained school that allows everyone the space to grow and express themselves

LCPS Values

As part of work about our school logo and motto, we revisited our school values.

Children thought about the initials ‘LCPS’ for our school and came up with words that begin with these letters that sum up what life is all about at Littleport Community Primary School.

We shared the suggestions with Staff, Governors and our elected pupil representatives on the School Council, and everyone voted for the best words.

Finally, our School Values were determined as:

L – Learning and Laughing
C – Creative and Challenging
P – Persevering and Proud
S – Self-motivated and Successful

We are very proud of these values, as the words have been created by the whole school community and they sum up perfectly what we want our learning experiences to be like and how we want our pupils to be.

These values underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens and learners for life.

From September 2018:
Acting Headteacher, Adam Rivett.
Deputy Headteacher, Nick Clark.
Assistant Headteacher
Assessment Lead, Kim Holtby.

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