Millfield School

Christmas has come and gone and, whilst at the time the Christmas break felt like a long one, it now seems like a distant memory! Always when I think about Millfields’s contribution to the Littleport Life, I focus on the learning opportunities and activities that the children have been involved in. This time I’d like to think more about the role that governors play in the life of a school, as they have an important part to play in the children’s experiences, yet they are rarely mentioned or given the credit they deserve. We have a vacancy for a governor and I thought this would be a good opportunity to perhaps spark an interest in members of the local community.

In my time as the Headteacher of Millfield, it has been my privilege to work alongside dedicated people, who want to make a real difference to the education of the children at the school. In my 9 years at the school, some governors have remained for the 4 years that is the length of their ‘stint’ and have then left for a while range of reasons such as job change or relocation. Others continue to be on the governing body for a number of years and were so before I started at the school. Some have been parents of children at the school, others have not. The strength of Millfield’s Governing Body, the support it provided to the school, but also the consistent challenge it places at the door of senior leaders, is one of the reasons that Millfield has become such a good and effective school.

Being a school governor is a challenging but hugely rewarding role. It will give you the chance to make a real difference to young people, give something back to your local community and use and develop your skills in more of a board-level environment. You will also be joining the largest volunteer force in the country: there are over a quarter of a million volunteers governing state-funded schools in England. Below are a few quotes from our governors:

“Being a governor has given me the opportunity to become part of a school at the centre of a growing community”

“I enjoy supporting the school in improving the pupil experience”

Schools need governing bodies that have a balance and diversity of knowledge, skills and experience to enable it to be effective. Anyone aged 18 or over can be a governor (but there are some exceptions) and you do not need to be a parent. There is no requirement for you to have an understanding of the education system, just the necessary skills, character and time to contribute. There is plenty of training available to help you learn about education. Schools needs and benefit from a range of professional knowledge on their governing board including education, finance, human resources, legal, marketing and public relations, property and estates management, and organisational change.

As a governor, you will be able to:

  • Use your own experience of education and life beyond school to inform conversations
  • Develop and utilise your skills in a board-level environment
  • Make a valuable contribution to education and your community
  • Support and challenge the school so that it improves for pupils and staff
  • Bring your unique experiences, perspectives and insights into decision- making in the interests of the school community

If this has piqued your interest and you would like to know more, then please contact Amanda Bidecant, clerk to Governors, at the School: 01353 861612 or

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