Littleport Community Primary School

When The Rugby World Cup came to Littleport!

We all enjoyed our Rugby World Cup activities in October. It was a wonderful experience with children learning a huge amount about all the countries taking part. Each class ‘adopted’ a country and then learnt about the language, food, geography and culture of countries from Samoa to Argentina and from Fiji to South Africa. On the Friday we all travelled ‘around the world’ visiting each country and finding out more about each place through quizzes, displays and even tasting the food! BBC Radio Cambridgeshire also found out about our initiative and came to broadcast from Littleport. It was very exciting!

We also enjoyed opening our doors and seeing so many of you at our Family Fun Day in October. There was a real buzz around the school as children and parents took part in cultural and international activities such as samba drumming, crepe making, Mexican artwork and speaking Swedish! Everyone also enjoyed archery, glockenspiels, instrument making, library activities with Littleport Librarian Louise Aldridge, ICT, and e-safety activities, as well as having fun in the Children’s Centre. Our thanks to Ms Hoal and Ms Fox for organising the day, as well as to the PTFA volunteers who provided tasty soup and bread for everyone. Gracias, Merci and Tack!

We have been very pleased to welcome prospective Foundation Stage parents to our school, with Year 5 students giving wonderful school tours and answering questions. We have also welcomed Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) from all over Cambridgeshire to come and learn about how children develop English skills; and they have also dropped into class to see the teaching and learning. We are also working with the Faculty of Education, Cambridge, to train student teachers, and which we are delighted to be able to do.

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