It’s not easy being green!

Amphibians need our help. That was the message of the Peacocks Meadow volunteers in January. The committee organised a workshop for volunteers to create an awesome array of Frog Houses & Toad Abodes.

Using broken plant pots, plastic bottles and other recycled materials, they made dozens of frog and toad shelters. Peacocks Meadow committee, Chair, Deb Curtis said.

“Not many people are aware that toads and frogs migrate over long distances during the breeding season. This is a time when they are especially vulnerable. Cats and birds are their main predators. By providing shelters for them to rest up and hide in on their long journeys we are helping to preserve the population.

The families who attended our workshop worked terrifically hard to create these reptile houses. Especially the children, some of who were only 2 or 3 years old!

It’s important to encourage our young generation to care for and protection our vulnerable wildlife. This workshop happily combined wildlife education with fun!

The Adams Heritage Centre saw a frenzy of activity, as glue, paint, clay, leaves and twigs were transformed into bijou residences for our lucky Littleport froggy friends.

We have lots more wild and wonderful activities planned for the woodland garden this coming year. So check out our Facebook page, Peacocks Meadow, for regular updates. “

This activity was organised jointly by the Friends of the Woodland Garden and Littleport & Ely Timebank.

It is funded by Sanctuary Housing. With thanks to the Adams Heritage Centre

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