Welcome to New Staff
In November 2017 we welcomed Mr Parrin to our school. He is our new Children’s Inclusion Worker, also here to support any families or parents who need any advice or support for other matters.
In January we also welcomed Ms Pentney, Research Schools Lead. She is a former Headteacher and will be working in school with our staff and children too.
1950’s Anniversary
In December former pupils of the Martin School visited Littleport Community Primary School. We really enjoyed welcoming back former pupils to our school as part of our Anniversary Celebrations. Our children performed 1950s dances and learnt all about how school was different (and similar) in the past. We featured in the Ely Standard and you can read more on our website: http://www.littleport.cambs.sch.uk/news/detail/1950scoffee-morning/
Poppy Appeal
Thank you to everyone for their kind donations. We raised £173 for this very worthy cause.
The Daily Mile Update
The aim for this project is to increase fitness and wellbeing of all children and supports the recommended hour that children should spend taking daily exercise. Children continue to challenge themselves and some even continue to run around the course at lunchtimes! We predicted that we might be able to run to Hawaii by Christmas and then try to aim for running around the world! The children were very excited at this prospect!
In November and December, due to the poor weather, the children weren’t able to go running as often, however, we all managed to run 7736 laps which is equivalent to 2578 miles. So in total, we have run 7480 miles! Therefore, we have managed to reach Hawaii and are now heading for Australia! We think we are on track to be able to ‘Run the World’ by July!
Cross Country Event
On 10th November 2017, children from year 3 to year 6 took part in a cross country event against other schools in Ely. It was a fantastic day for running and all of the children ran exceptionally well. There were 10 schools competing in total and the standard of running was very high. Boys and girls in each year group ran in teams of 4 and they all had to finish the race to score points.
Hockey/Multi Skills Festival
Year 3 finished their unit on hockey with a multi-skills festival. They took part in 5 different activities, each using the skills taught in their lessons. They were split into their teams and carried out each activity, scoring points as they went. The scores of each class were totalled to give an overall winner. Children in year 5 helped organise and run this festival and they were all impressed with the skills the children had developed.
Well done Falcons and Owls!
We had two wonderful ‘historical’ assemblies last term. Firstly, Falcons in Year 3 took us back to the 1950s, teaching us all about how life was different at school and home, and treating us to some amazing rock n’ roll dancing and singing!
Then Owls in Year 2 transported us back to 1666 and the Great Fire of London, singing beautifully and sharing their artwork and house models, as well as how some were set alight to recreate the Fire! Well done everyone and a big thanks to all the staff in both classes who made these brilliant performances come alive. We had huge numbers of parents and grandparents too – great to see you!
Christmas Concert
We are very lucky to have so many music lessons taking place in our school and the Christmas Concert was the perfect opportunity for the children to showcase their talent. The show opened with our Upper School Choir performing Carol of the Bells and a bilingual Silent Night. We were then treated to performances from our violinists, guitarists, pianists and brass players. Lower School Choir also treated us to their debut performance.
Year 6 visit to Littleport & East Cambs Academy
Year 6 have started transition with a visit to LECA. They enjoyed problem solving in maths, writing sonnets in English and some of them were lucky enough to take part in photography sessions.