Littleport Community Primary School News

With the classrooms back at full capacity, the school environment now feels very much like it did at Littleport Community Primary School at this same point in 2019. The biggest differences are the safety routines we have in place to combat the spread of COVID-19. At the time of writing this, we have had children back in classrooms on a full time basis for 6 weeks and the school is full of smiles on the faces of children and staff alike. Children are pleased to see their classmates and have settled back so amazingly well into expectations, which has resulted in impressive learning across the whole school. Yes, there have been some challenges within the early stages, especially with children’s resilience and stamina but week on week I am celebrating the perseverance of pupils as part of our virtual ‘Learner of the Week’ assemblies.

I have included some photographs of the fantastic artwork taking place across the school as part of our class birds project:

Good News: Music Mark Award – Mr Clark, Deputy Headteacher

The creative subjects are really important to us here at LCPS and form an integral part of our curriculum and wider school life. We were therefore delighted to be nominated by Cambridgeshire Music to be a Music Mark school for this academic year. The Music Mark is an award that recognises a school’s commitment to music and music education and can only be awarded through nomination by the local music hub. We were therefore really pleased that Cambridgeshire Music recognised our commitment to this vital subject. Not only does music open up a new world to children, but recent studies also show that music lessons improve children’s concentration and memory which is great for the learning in general. We are looking forward to seeing how we can develop music even further in the coming year!

Come and Join Us – School Governor Vacancy

School Governors play an important part in helping schools improve. We currently have a governor vacancy and we are reaching out to the community to see if you would be interested in joining our team! This is a crucial time to be a school governor, with the education of children being disrupted due to a global pandemic and the local community of Littleport growing. Governors do not need to be experts to tackle the range of responsibilities expected of them. Help, advice and training are available along with a thorough induction programme. If you would like to find out more or to be considered, please contact our school office on 01353 860235.

Closing Reflections

I would be lying if I said that having to operate a full school under COVID conditions has been easy – far from it! Daily operations are very much reactive and it can be truly challenging, especially not knowing if a member of staff may have to self-isolate due to a member of their household displaying COVID symptoms. However, I couldn’t do it without the outstanding support of the staff and the whole school community, which includes the parents and carers who have been so understanding throughout all of this.

As a school, we continue to educate (face-to-face and virtually where necessary!), support both educationally as well as emotionally and nurture the children and families we serve to ensure that our pupils reach their full potential and ‘spread their wings and fly!’.

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